Turbo Vinyasa Workshop
With the Iron Yogi
Date: Sunday Feb 6, 2005
Time: 11:00 am- 1:00 pm
Place: Island Spirit Yoga
Cost: $25.00

Peter Seamans is a state certified instructor in Nutrition, Movement Therapies, Massage, Excercise Kinesiology and Yoga.

Peter has served as personal trainer and educator to Deepak Chopra and Anthony Robbins. In addition, he has been awarded many honors including Vogue Magazine “America’s top 50 Personal Trainers” and NPC Trainer of the Year.

Turbo Vinyasa Yoga draws from a variety of yoga styles, Somatics, Pilates, Feldenkrais, Corrective Excercise, Alexander Techniques and other disciplines.

Flow Like Water...
Stronger Than Steel...

Experience the Art of Transformation
Through the Art of Human Performance

For more information on the Iron Yogi check out www.ironyogi.com

  2. Judi Bola