Josephine Jordan

Josephine is a Doula who specializes in PreNatal yoga, PreNatal massage and Childbirth Education. She studied midwifery with Elizabeth Davis and Tina Garzero. Josephine has practiced yoga since she was sixteen and she graduated from Ateeka’s Bodhiccita Teacher Training. Her extensive massage background includes studies with Daniel Fowler, Dr. Maka’ala Yates and Robin Garrison.

Josephine’s PreNatal class guides pregnant women in preparing their mind, body and spirit for the incredible process of giving birth. She has spent her whole life dancing, and she intuitively guides the breath and movement in a nurturing, supportive environment. This class will offer valuable practices to use during pregnancy, birth, postpartum and on through life. You will discover an intimate connection with your baby and prepare for the sacred act of motherhood.

Josephine is teaching the following classes:

Whole Birth PreNatal- Wednesday 3:30 - 5:30pm



"Karma is the eternal assertion of human freedom... Our thoughts, our words and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw around ourselves."
- Swami Vivekananda

  2. Judi Bola